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Time To Take A Step Back?

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roadman | 17:03 Thu 08th Jul 2021 | Society & Culture
25 Answers
My parents used to never buy me new clothes. Always got hand me downs. I used to have to use my siblings old lunchboxes. We got years out of one plastic bottle I think I even used by siblings old PE bag. I used to walk to school never drove but if we had to travel by vehicle it would be a bus. sustainable fashion was getting your dads vintage sweater as a hand me down.

Is it time for the sake of the environment we took a step backwards?


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Mum made most of our clothes. I did the same for my daughters and taught myself enough to make trousers and even a sports jacket for my husband. I did get a school skirt and blazer when I went to Grammar, but I was only 10 and they were still fitting me when I left 6th form so you can imagine how I looked and how many fold-overs of skirt I had to do at the waist!

Otherwise there was a school used-uniform stall at the annual Summer Fair and shirts etc. were bought there. The same applied to my kids in the 70s.
I think I wore my dad's demob suit at uni
honestly they wore very well

or the cord suit I wore was so er shattered it looked like a demob suit. and as for wearing odd socks - they are socks for chrissakes
Being the elder of two girls and having only male older cousins I didn’t have hand-me-downs. All my son’s clothes were passed down to his cousins, though.
I agree we buy and throw away too much. There was a horrible picture in a newspaper recently that showed a mountain of Westerners’ discarded clothes, with loads ending up in the sea.
I wore my Dad's old de mob suit trousers with a pair of his braces I dyed and a pink striped shirt when I was about 16 - felt good.

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Time To Take A Step Back?

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