Sexist or not, (straight) men look at women's bodies and the shape of their boobs or bums most time they see one. That's life. However, there are a plethora of videos on youtube with men crotch cams that show women looking at the guy's bits and eyeing their package. For example on the Underground, in supermarkets etc.
My question, do women really look at men's bits - even momentarily and maybe even for a split second think of willies?
At the risk of derailing this thread, I once earned a few quid from being paid a bit from the PRS for a song called Hoagie, which I hadn't written, but which PRS confused me with Errol. They later asked if I wanted to repay them or have my earnings deducted from future payments. I said they could deduct Erolls' quids from my future earnings; I never regretted my decision.