...+4 from last month. Rodders and his merry men should watch the new Labour 4 part documentary on the BBC at the moment. I Watched part 1 last night where St Tony said that he thought TGL and the Tories were doing a lot right and set out to make the party similarly electable, essentially Tory Lite was created.
gully: "he might have to seriously think about including a referendum to rejoin the E/U in his next pre/election Manifesto " - PMSL this ain't the SNP!
Ousting the anti-Semite, communists (magic grandpa etc.) from Labour has helped with the stats along with all the slings & arrows of the last couple of years, but it I don't think the Left should get too exited.
However they are often an indication of public mood mid term so Johnson needs to ensure he is not complacent. I see this more as a damming indictment on labours poor performance rather than the Tories brilliance.
And yes, I know there has been a pandemic, but many of Johnsons problems now are not directly related to it. He(and his supporters) cant keep using it as an excuse.
The Co chairman of the Con Party .
Benjamin William Elliot says
Nutters are trying to become Tory MPs
We have got to sort them out and put a stop to it.......
.......I've got news for you Mr Elliot , its too late, most Tory Mps are nutters.
//No doubt about it , the Best years in the UK,
were 1997-2007,,,,,, "when things only got better"//
Leading to the 2008 crash when (economic genius) Chancellor Brown's failure to regulate the banks led to the UK being involved in a global meltdown!
I thought the fella held a PhD in Economics - seems his thesis was on "The History of the Labour Party". PMSL.
I don't think it was Gordon Brown who was to blame for 2008's fnancial crisis(!)
Overheating US housing market, a general obsession with encouraging people to borrow money, etc
Yes the banks should have been regulated better, on a worldwide basis, but easy to say that now ...