Law1 min ago
Can Someone Explain To Me.......
17 Answers
https:/ /news.s story/f rance-t hreaten s-to-ag ain-cut -off-uk s-energ y-in-br exit-ro w-12426 857
1) why we allow any access at all to our waters, what do we get in return?
2) why does a foreign nation expect that they will be allowed access?
3) Can the UK fish in EUSSR waters?
I just don't get it.
1) why we allow any access at all to our waters, what do we get in return?
2) why does a foreign nation expect that they will be allowed access?
3) Can the UK fish in EUSSR waters?
I just don't get it.
The vast majority of fish caught by UK boats isn't sold in the UK; it's exported to the EU. The Brexit fisheries agreement gives EU vessels certain rights to continue fishing in UK waters in return for the EU allowing UK vessels to sell their catches in EU ports: https:// ibb. co/ 3N7KHMR
21:34 Tue 05th Oct 2021
I'm sure it won't answer all your poits, but a potted version of the Trade Deal here.
https:/ / /news/4 6401558
The vast majority of fish caught by UK boats isn't sold in the UK; it's exported to the EU. The Brexit fisheries agreement gives EU vessels certain rights to continue fishing in UK waters in return for the EU allowing UK vessels to sell their catches in EU ports: https:/ / /3N7KHM R
I always remember at school in NI being amused by our teacher complaining that for an area just a few miles from the Atlantic coast, so many people around about turned their noses up at shrimps and mussels.
Not saying it's the same in GB though.
Fishing is something that has has united both Gove and Farage in their dislike and mistrust of the EU, as I think both their familes were in the fishing industry. Such a shame.
Not saying it's the same in GB though.
Fishing is something that has has united both Gove and Farage in their dislike and mistrust of the EU, as I think both their familes were in the fishing industry. Such a shame.
We couldn't eat all the fish and shellfish that it is possible to catch in British waters if we ate it for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Supper whilst liquidising the ugly ones and drinking them instead of imbibing anything else. We do not need to empty the seas of fish, and nor should we let the French, Spanish, Germans, or anybody else for any price. Our deadly error is trusting other Nations with the control of our energy supplies or transport and labour infrastructure. We have had centuries to learn that they are not to be trusted and will always blackmail or coerce us if we hand the levers of power over us to them, even in the false claim of cooperation and mutual trust. Every generation it seems has to learn the lesson for themselves despite the warnings clearly given by some of the more far sighted amongst us.