I was shocked to see all the, perhaps thousands of seabirds, razorbills, guillemots washed up dead on Norfolk beaches, lots of crabs and lobsters dead too.
As yet, no one seems to know what's caused it. Seen on autumn watch.
Don't know what programme this was on but I just caught the ending. Thousands of dead crabs and lobsters are being washed up on the North-East beaches of the UK.
Defra has declared it a top priority investigation.
If it was climate change you think it would of been a gradual change over 20 years rather than a sudden big change this year, unless we just hit a tipping point. I wonder if other factors are at play- plastic or oil pollution, overfishing etc
Bob. There may be other contributions but it has been an ongoing gradual change over many years because of climate change.
There have been peaks during those years and this year has peaked dramatically, as has our weather and climate.
Of course the disappearance of sand eels is down to both climate change and over fishing. This is having a devastating effect on birds that feed on them.