Hi all. Have worked out everything about this crossword with the exception of 28 down which is doing my head in rather.
'Unique person against revelry regularly ignored', 5 letters.
I have S?EER. But the rubric means one of these will be a misprint of the correct answer. The correct answer should I gather contain a letter 'O'.
Hope that makes sense and many thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot. That had crossed my mind but it hadn't occurred to me it was a word. Suppose I should have asked for a Chambers from Santa. Best wishes for the New Year.
I too have completed crossword and found the proverb and the words generated in the other 8 clues but CAN'T work out the endgame. Have come back to it now family have left but fog persists. I like to complete by the following Sunday when new one beckons so HELP and SHOVE appreciated. Happy New Year to you all.