I recently bought the Apple AirPods Max
They are over ear headphones
They are very expensive (£449 currently on Amazon) but I got them far cheaper from a site called Tech In The Basket
Yes it is a big outlay but they are solid and substantial and the sound quality is unsurpassed
An important question is what noise(s) are you hoping to cancel. They work well for constant noise such as engine noise on aircraft and trains etc. Less good on intermittent noise such as loud conversation (although over ear ones do cut that down simply by acting as ear muffs)
I recently bought the Sony 1000xm4 over ear. They are incredibly detailed and spaced. The sound cancelling works so well I cant hear the Mrs nattering!
Seiously, I use them with my iphone and ipad for radio music and watching stuff on the pad.
Highly reccomended.