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maggiebee | 13:31 Sun 30th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Recently emailed requesting that a quiz be sent to me. It was, along with a rather snippy note saying I had not returned the last three he had sent out. Fair enough, but I would only return if I had managed to finish it which I obviously had not. Live and learn!


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Do you have to include a fee when you send it back?
If you had had 3 and done some of the questions had you paid for them if not you must see their point
I return even if I don't finish, the charities need the cash - especially at the moment.
I return incomplete/late and even never started quizzes.

Setters like you to ask to be removed from their mailing list if you don't wish them to keep sending new quizzes.

I've never had a snippy response, have occasionally had a reply asking if I was well as I was late in sending in.
My first attempt. I did in 2.

But are you allowed only one a day? Confused
So confused you're on the wrong thread, Pat. :-))

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