Good evening, I'm stuck on the following and would
appreciate answers to get me through, thanks in advance.
13 Plastic strap on spade? (10, two wds) : C???P?C?R
37 US city scours Delaware for trendy anthem (7) : ?N?????
42 Scheme member with money in powdered pigment (8) : ?O??????
3 City imports most of cheese by aircraft (7): ???GNO?
24 EMI dealt with no-one by that name (8, 2 wds): ??????NE
31 Sort of Champagne Charlie passing overhead (7, hyph) : ?????E?
32 Pair dodge work (7): ?????D?
That's a shame, Matakari - I thought 'get me through' meant you were almost done. See you in a bit!
PS If you see the theme, entries from that could help you with the clues you have still to solve. 35 A isn't too tricky - and I reminded you that you (we?) did a similar puzzle just a few weeks ago...
Thanks Professor.
I rarely use the AB these days but whenever I do it's always you who answer!
Notando puts an n in 26a with the result that r is the correct letter and I don't have an r in the coloured squares. Can you help me with this? Probably too late for you - only 7.43 pm here in Canada
It's me again, Farrwest (and it must be getting a bit late for you now) kettledrum is right - the correct spelling would be an L for the first N in NOTANDA (it's not 'o' on the end but I'm sure that's just a typo).
Hope you enjoyed this crossword as much as I did.