Sqad - //
Quite correct and what I think you are saying is it is not what you say, but who you are.
This is and has been for decades in Medicine as I have heard some cringworthy statements made by colleagues, gullibly accepted because of " who they were."
This is the case of JS.
Of course one has to get to that elevated status and that gift is endowed upon very few. //
I think this is a vital aspect of Savile's situation that is overlooked in hindsight.
With that 20-20 hindsight we all possess, yes we can see he was weird, and creepy, and deeply odd.
But at the time, the man was an absolute god-on-earth - he could have taken a pee on the BBC Director General's carpet and someone would have said it was good for the pile.
And that sort of power opens a million doors, and allows a system of indulgence and largesse that the rest of us could not begin to dream of.
That is the world that Savile ruled for so long, and used so much to his own depraved ends.
I remember reading, back when I was a night-club DJ, that twenty percent of the female dancers will fancy the DJ, simply because he is in control of the entire atmosphere, regardless of what he looks like.
That is the world Savile started out in, as the original club DJ, and his ability to use that appeal only ever escalated as his fame grew, and he knew exactly how to manipulate and exploit it.
I always adored his individual Leeds accent, and still do, even though of course it is now tempered by knowledge of who he was underneath that unique public persona.