So Boris Takes the Cowards way out of having to face the opposition at PMQs today after losing nearly 500 seats in last week elections.
He just cancells it and goes on a trip to Sweden..
I don't think there's a problem with Gulliver stating that the PM went to Sweden - but he'd be very hard pushed indeed to produce evidence to support the rest of his claim - as with most of his claims - and that, I think it what gets on people's nerves. He posts blatant tripe most of the time.
Yes Gulliver, because you're a veritable beacon of variation with your posts.
Honestly, do you think that his trip to Scandinavia was solely to avoid PMQ? Do you not think pledging our support for Sweden and Finland joining NATO, despite Russia threatening "repercussions" if they did is more important than PMQs? What is the more pressing issue, standing up to one of the biggest planetary threats of current times or trying to get Boris out?
What? Because I don't agree with the mulch you keep pushing? Feel free to answer the question I asked, although I won't hold my breath waiting. Boris isn't the only one who doesn't like answering questions in seems.