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douglas9401 | 19:40 Tue 17th May 2022 | News
40 Answers
Looks like the possibility of a bad one lurking in the corridors of power.


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It is to be found on the internet
you know - the naaaaaaame! - doesnt ring a bell
perhaps I do not pass in the right corridors....

there is all this, he is accused so he must have done it....
no - he didnt have to....

altho I think the Rooneys and Vardys are learning what it means to go to law ( the judge told them to settle it monfs ago)
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Hi Gully
is there anything left to discuss?
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There must be a happy medium between village oaf and wicked baron.
Judging from the deleted answers, the village oafs seems to be winning in AB.
Oh my, what an interesting thread. :-(
well, you have to read between the lines, anne.
It's wrong for the scant details of the MP in question to have been released because now armchair detectives are using the clues to try and identify him.

In this process, any MP who fits his description will become 'a suspect' and that's very unfair.
Very true SP.
Problem is these Tory MPs see their leader getting away with dirty deeds , and think they are immune from being punished .. How the hell did Boris get away with the Jennifer Arcuri affair when he was Mayor of London and even paid her £126 of tax payers money for it.
this posted by Michael Fabricant earlier -
he's been criticised by what he calls the "professional offence takers"....
//Looks like the possibility of a bad one lurking in the corridors of power.//

Or an accusation with malice but no foundation. It is "said" that the accused is a staunch Brexiteer and one of the 20 who opposed May's wicked sell out, whilst the "victim" is a die hard Remainiac seeking retribution.The alleged offences "took place" between 2002 and 2009 ... pre Referendum, and were reported in 2020, post Referendum. Allegedly.
The name of the accused is readily available online.
If this MP is charged will the cloak of anonymity be dropped?
probably, sandy. It seems they're reluctant to reveal the names of people before charges are laid, because of Cliff. He sued the police for telling the BBC he was under investigation and the BBC for reporting that his home was searched, before he'd been charged with anything. So now arrests are secret.

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