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I want to buy furniture

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stick123 | 08:54 Thu 26th Jul 2012 | Shopping & Style
25 Answers
I want to buy furniture but I am in dilemma. I don't have much idea about where i can find best
furniture stores in the uk
Guys, do you have any idea about it? if yes, then share with me.

Thanks in advanced...


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"wasn't you Chucky! Was me!


We must have both pounced :)
lol, maybe :P
am quite glad i wasn't in the middle if you both pounced, don;t think i would of survived that one
I recommend you to shop for furniture online as you would get more discounts on an online purchse! There are various online stores that offer furniture, you can refer to those stores but do research carefully before deciding any of the stores.
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I want to buy furniture

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