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Harry And Meg

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MissTerious | 12:02 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | News
22 Answers
I know it's the Daily Mail, but reported in all the papers to some degree

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I first read two or three days ago that they were no attending as they are non working royals then yesterday the uninvited story came out. Sorry but I do wonder who started the uninvited story, maybe their team maybe not. Maybe Netflix or that Scobie "friend"
They wanted out so out they should be
I think that in respect of the Royal family, one has to realise that 'protocol' is key. There are rules for everything. e. He was allegedly irritated that he was not permitted to wear the insignia EIIR, on his epaulettes. The rule states that 'serving' officers may wear - others may not. He is not in the military. He was however, given special dispensation by the King to wear a uniform at the vigil, in the Sovereign's gift.
All this hoo hah comes down to the fact that they, as a couple jumped ship and bailed out of Royal service - live with it.......

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Harry And Meg

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