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Tory Leadership

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Paigntonian | 10:04 Sat 22nd Oct 2022 | News
139 Answers
Isn't it odd that Sunak and Johnson have so far said nothing?


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Don't be silly, naomi. I know you always like to have the last word even when, as here, it's totally meaningless.

Now prove me wrong.
easy: she will insist she is right and you have to wade thro the usual flood of clarification - they're a great read ( god I lie like a flat fish)

look, can we reinstitute " " inverted commas, as in Tory "Leadership".
I hereby dig up reinvigorate, and reinstitute Russell Harty oral inverted commas of forty years ago - - - two hand, index and middle finger crooking besides each ear

Little miss Bossy Boots :0)
//Is that woman your mum, fatticusinch? She’s saying some silly things and is so eager to say them she doesn’t seem capable of stopping for breath//

My mother? No, but they have something in common I guess as my mother died of shortness of breath, well the death certificate said lung cancer but you get my drift.
Uh-oh, stand by to be accused of saying that all AB rightists have cancer.
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Uh-oh, stand by to be accused of saying that all AB rightists have cancer. add
and are racists....

midnight seems to have an effect on ABers

(Time for bed said Zebediee(

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All the big boys playing together. How nice. :o))
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not remotely clever.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I think TTT has a secret admirer.
could be.
current news is on and said that Boris and Rishi have spoken on the phone, wonder what that conversation contained, love to know.
Who’s going to stand down and let the other have it I reckon, emmie. I don’t think Boris will stand.
nor me Naomi.
If Sunak wants to show he has any sort of backbone he should have said: I’ve clearly got more votes than you from the Parliamentary Party, I couldn’t possibly give you a position in Cabinet because you’re toxic, divisive and will shortly have the PSC delivering their verdict.

If it goes to the members, they’ll show the country what the Tory Party truly stand for right now.

Go Boris! Lol

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