I also am pretty appalled at the 12.07 comment.
It's wrong and unnecessary Fatti.
I still cling to the hope that the Tory party will still clear of Johson MkII - for their own good as much as anything..
Johnson is NOT a popular choice in the country; he has the same grasp of economics as Liz Truss. And as I have said before there's a very real chance he'd have to resign anyway.
Sunak it should have been the last time: they're lucky they now have a chance to put that right. A bit like Arsenal with Mikel Arteta finally :-)
Fascinating that the only people who keep trying to bring race into this are the non Tories. No one in the party has even mentioned race in either the contest just gone or the one we are about to have.
It appears some posters are trying to cook something up about Fatt that he has not said. You need to learn to read what he did say.
If you can't read then I will help you. There is a racist element in the UK, very much like there is in other countries. So, I believe what fatt was saying, is that some may see this being a reason to vote in another direction. But eh oh if you can't win an argument let's see if we can get the poster in trouble. Nice try.
Jim, //Apologies on Fatticus's behalf for all who feel they have to endure this//
They don't 'feel' they have to endure it - if they want to stick around here they DO have to endure it because despite all the complaints - and I know there have been many - the issue isn't addressed. He is ruining this site and the only people who care seem to be the ordinary members who can't do a damn thing about it.
pimply: "It appears some posters are trying to cook something up about Fatt that he has not said. You need to learn to read what he did say. " - at 12:07 he said in response to Naomi:
//I've never been a member of any political party, fatticusinch - and my voting intentions at the next election have yet to be decided.//
I’ll bet the colour of the skin of the Tory leader at the GE will have a bearing though…… ||
I'd say that is a very clear statement call all Tories racist - I think it's you that needs to learn to read.
It seems unhelpful for us to get into any kind of dispute over this, Naomi. I've done what I can to address it; I shouldn't even be offering an apology for something that isn't to do with me. All I can say, again, is don't rise to the bait in-thread, but just report it. I don't blame you for being frustrated, but there's nothing I can do about it beyond what I've already done (which is, I'll admit, very little).
The only thing some can't endure is a challenge of their viewpoint, especially if they are proven to be wrong. And the latter is what Fatt does more often than not.
//Fascinating that the only people who keep trying to bring race into this are the non Tories. No one in the party has even mentioned race in either the contest just gone or the one we are about to have//
Equally fascinating that some will deny or selectively ignore the more disdainful traits of their hero/former PM and conveniently bypass them when tackled about it?
Given that Johnson has displayed such egregious behaviour previously, why do none of you broach the subject?
One poster refers to his adultery as his ‘sex life’?
How would one describe his racism? His homophobia? His misogyny? Just giggles with the lads? Bit of slap and tickle of the wenches all workplace banter?
Why is it that you hero-worship such a divisive figure who portrays such behaviour?
I’ve not called anyone on here a racist, but a few of you will certainly defend and/or ignore what one former PM has done and is recorded as such, hence he’s had to apologise.
Re the membership, who may yet again be deciding the next PM of the UK, far from being insular and "colour-conscious" have a read of this, if you haven't already ...
I said it many times during the first contest, that Tory party members would never vote for Sunak because of his colour and religion. My comments were called racist many times. And the result was Sunak was more than 20,000 votes behind the clearly inferior Truss.
gromit, Sunak did not win because he's perceived as the backstabber assassin and as history shows the assassin never wears the crown. His ethnicity was/is not relevant.
TORATORATORA, "I’ll bet the colour of the skin of the Tory leader at the GE will have a bearing though…… ||
I'd say that is a very clear statement call all Tories racist - I think it's you that needs to learn to read."
If anyone needs to learn to read, it's you. If you can, point out where the implication is that ALL Tories are racist.