Were the iPad and iPhone both using the Mifi to connect to the internet, and if so had you previously connected them to the Mifi ... say at home to test if it worked? It could be that the Laptop needed to be connected using settings in the Laptop menu. To do this you will need the "Network Security Key" which is the Mifi password that you entered into the Mifi when you first connected it to the 4g or 5g internet link. The password comes with the packaging and instructions with the Mifi. Switch on the laptop and ensure that the Mifi is operating within 10 meters of the lappie.
1 Press the windows key on the keyboard or click on the windows icon bottom left of screen.
2 In the pop up menu click on the cog icon("Settings)
3 Click on Networks and Internet
4 Click on Show available Networks
5 Look for the Mifi in the list( it will say Mifi.... and the identity name of your MIfi.
6 Click on the Mifi and enter the Network Security Key/ Password. AS stated previously this is the passsword that came with the Mifi packaging.