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John Lewis Christmas Advert

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johnny.5 | 18:51 Thu 10th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
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Not their best.
Boring. BUT, a new message this year .
Not a lot.
These are all the polite versions of what we think.....
As a Christmas ad it's not very enticing to make one want to shop at John Lewis.
As a charity ad looking for support it doesn't really do that either.
Mmmm not too keen.
poor ad, doesn't do it for me.
It is not their best and does not deliver any meaning.
Could do better. Boring, doesn’t get the message across, and not Christmassy.
They are heading for s*** street, probably had to save money.
What is the evidence for that YMB?
Breath of fresh air.
Anyway, it’s got people thinking about John Lewis, Christmas and maybe even fostering
So job done I’d say probably ;-)
Most (all) the Xmas ads give a hugely inflated view of what Xmas will be like. The vast majority will never live up to that expectation however much they are induced to spend. HUMBUG!
Thoroughly depressing.
I like it think it's sad.. but true and nice, as posted on the 'For cat lovers everywhere thread'

I don't see the big deal and hype about JL ad's but Lily Allens' Somewhere only we know will take some outdoing however sentimental:

I have to disagree with most of the posts. It is an admirable attempt at ignoring the materialistic side of Christmas and shows the very ordinary man making every effort to develop an interest he can share with the girl thereby offering a chance to bond with her. His gift to her is of his time and perseverance and a considerable disregard for his own comfort. The idea of JL supporting children's charities gets my vote. In short, it is an advert I will remember for all the right reasons.
I quite like it. Might encourage potential new foster carers.
I think this advert would have been better if it had been the other way round. The girl brought to the house at Christmas time and then both the man and girl having fun with the skateboard.As it's being shown now it's boring and doesn't really convey any message .
Do they actually get value for money from creating these glossy productions year after year?

I've been watching them for ages and still couldn't tell you where my nearest John Lewis is.
Until I read this post I had no idea what it was about! I didn't realise she was being fostered, I thought they were relatives turning up.

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