On my right foot, I have a lump. It is on the top of my foot to the inner side. It is about an inch round. It is hard. I do have a bunion on that foot and it is about 1.5 inches up the foot from my bunion.
It doesn't hurt, (unless I really press it hard) it doesn't move but it is noticeable. If you imagine your big toe, going up towards the ankle, it is above the bone(s) linking to the big toe and about 2.5 inches to 3 inches from the point of my big toe but over that bone to the left hand side.
A bit like an elephant, it is not easy to describe. Should I be worried? Any ideas?
I'm not a Dr or a Typist, nor am I eaten up with bitterness or hatred, but I would say it could be one of a few different things. If it begins to bother you I would see your GP and ask for referral to a Foot & Ankle Surgeon.