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Horrible Thought!

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Caran | 23:02 Wed 28th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I heard this on tv the other day. There are hundreds of micro bugs living on your eyelashes. At night they all run over your face!
How creepy was that. I can't stop thinking about it.


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A lot of the organisms that inhabit your body are beneficial to you. Most are harmless.
Enjoy, Caran!

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Still not very nice to think about though Hopkirk.
do you eat cheese some's crawling with them. as said beneficial too.. been around longer than us
Just think of them as pets that you don't have to take for a walk, or buy food for, Caran ;-)
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I feel ill after watching that!!!
These things can be bad for your mental health. Your body is not just you - it's full of other organisms which are all part of the real you.
If you start watching films about your inner body you will possibly end up round the twist.
Micro bugs .
That's disgusting. I'm itchy all over now!
If you know something is going to disturb you, don't watch it.
Some years back, my son watched a series of documentaries which showed how certain foods are made. One by one, he gave up eating them because of what he'd seen. Yet he'll still eat a boiled egg?
Go figure, as our American cousins say.
They mentioned said bugs on QI

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