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Just Stop Oil

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retrocop | 22:19 Tue 02nd May 2023 | News
37 Answers

Oh dear. What a pity. What a shame. Silly woman forget her green cross code. Will she be stupid enough to try this stunt again? If the police refuse to exercise their powers re Highway obstruction can we expect more of these drivers to enforce their right to unhindered progress.?


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When something like this occurs I am reminded of the Quaker who found a burglar in his home. Lifting his hunting rifle he said, Friend, I wouldn't harm you for the all the world but you're standing where I'm about to shoot. The driver should have shouted I don't want to harm you but you're standing where I'm about to drive.
10:14 Wed 03rd May 2023
When something like this occurs I am reminded of the Quaker who found a burglar in his home. Lifting his hunting rifle he said, Friend, I wouldn't harm you for the all the world but you're standing where I'm about to shoot. The driver should have shouted I don't want to harm you but you're standing where I'm about to drive.
//If the people feel let down by the law then inevitably they will take it into their own hands.//

Yes, exactly TTT. This is how vigilantes drum up support and it never ends well. Plod need to up their game or these commies and their supporters are going to get seriously hurt soon.
Some might find it distressing? I almost pee'd myself laughing.

No way was she injured by that alleged run over foot incident. The smirk on her face when she sat down, knowing that she would have her 15 minutes of fame, tells its own story.
"Plod need to up their game or these commies and their supporters "

.... "and their supporters"? interesting.
Let me clear that up - YOU.
thought so! bet you’d really love that wouldn’t you youngmafbog… i’d wager you’ve even fantasised a little scenario of me getting “seriously injured” for no other reason than being a “supporter”!

i find it so relieving when the tory mask of “civility” slips away and we finally after all the lying and backtracking get to deal with the creature underneath… it usually takes a while but here we get a glimpse of the beast before it inevitably scurries back behind to its hiding place

that’s why i appreciate davebro… he actually says what he thinks where most of you prevaricate and euphamize and lie.
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I just love this website! Anyone with a cause or a complaint has GOT to be a commie! :o)
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Time for brekkie. Full english fried in cooking oil! Yummy!
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Haha, knew that would trigger you. So predictable.

No 10C, but these are.
oh my god are we still using “triggered” lol… that was getting old ten years ago
If they're sincere in their protests they're idiots. If they're not, their actins are designed solely to create chaos.

A bit like "lol"
lol's still going strong baz... "triggered" is sooo 2013
A motorist going about his or her business, and a protester puts their foot under a wheel, how sad.

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