Horse sense
I have two left any help please
26 a Swedish little girl that inspired films and a TV series and whose story was presented on the radio 6
29 a fast lively and handsome horse who was master escape artist. 6
I have found Wyatt
apparently, Flicka is Swedish for "little girl".
Why is the horse named Flicka?
Ken spends the rest of the summer nursing the filly. He names her Flicka – Swedish for "little girl" – and spends hours every day tending to her needs and keeping her company.
The original suggestion of Wyatt was only 5 not 6 so am not sure what the actual count is.
Another 7 possibilty is Houdini?
Sorry was called out only just come back I had seen flicks but didn't realise it was Swedish for little girl thanks for that.
Sorry number 29 is 5 letters not six.