I have had my tongue pierced this afternoon, and I supposed to be going on a night out tonight. Will I be ok drinking alcohol with the wound in my mouth?
Years ago they used to use alcohol to heal wounds, so couldn't this potential help the piercing?
You can, although I wouldn't recommend drinking lots..
On another note.. if you have been instructed to use mouthwash regularly for it, make sure you dilute it - I have my tongue pierced and used to rinse twice daily with listerine.. within a week I had a white tongue and thought it was going to fall off! Turns out it was the fact that listerine is very harsh in your mouth and kills all the healthy bacteria. so just be warned :)
Thanks to all of you for your answers - I had a fab night last night, no problem with the piercing - reply is a bit late as I am only just sobering up!!!!