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Dogs And The Firework Season.

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Tilly2 | 14:53 Tue 17th Oct 2023 | Animals & Nature
26 Answers

Does anyone have Vetinary prescription tranqilisers for their dogs during the firework season?

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I have Silleo gel from the vets - dependant on their weight you put it on the space betweem their top gum and cheek - takes about 20 mins to work - the tube once opens lasts about 4 months.Does wonders on Jess
14:55 Tue 17th Oct 2023

Surely a dog could get those off with no trouble?

We don't get fireworks around us, but Poppy Dog isn't frightened of bangs.   They shoot alot around us, which I hate.  She ignores.  Our dog before Poppy didn't mind bangs either.  One evening I took her into the town with me to visit my son.   I had forgotten iscwas firework night.  Meggy  dog stopped to watch the fireworks.  She was mesmorised!  


But I'm all for fireworks only to be sold to those with a licence and advance warning of times and places of authorised public displays.  In fact I also worry about any wildlife and pets in the area of authorised displays. 


Poor Sally used to pant, dribble, shake, be very restless. Aside from fireworks season, we also have the national championships here every August...she really suffered. 

Leddy bird - I have looked up the dose Melatonin for children - doesnt work that well - and it is 1 to 2 mg.

so it should be OK

(no I wont go into absorption and pharmacodynamics - but a mere fraction ends up in the proper area ( brain))

at a war re enactment my labby was looking poncey as a smaller dog dragged and bolted past her, with a lad on his belly following.

small it was

the lad


I doubt my brain needs very much as it's not very big either:-)

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