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Charity Quiz

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tangodog | 09:47 Tue 24th Oct 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Who said,

"It's a one question shoot out"

"I don't like storms Mr Corbett"

"There never have been such devoted sisters "



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Rosemary Clooney sang the song  ...for third one.

The Beverley Sisters sang the third one. A real hit at the time. 

1.?Shaun Wallace on The Chase

Shaun Wallace - the worst of the chasers on The Chase - always says 'it's a one-question shoot-out' when it is.  Boring!

Is the second one Sooty?

Sooty didn't speak

#2 is an excerpt from a discussion on Grime between the Two Ronnies.


Sooty did speak- Mr Corbett often repeated his words.

Lol douglas.

i keep thinking Soo(sooty's girlfriend) for the 2nd one 

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