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Who Do You Think You Are?..

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Patsy33 | 18:46 Sat 18th Nov 2023 | Jokes
4 Answers

A man claiming he is Jesus is brought into a mental hospital...

He is asked, "Why do you think you are Jesus?"
He replies, "God told me so!"
Immediately, the patient behind him stands up and shouts, "No I didn't!"



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I'm Josephine and I'm  crying 'cos Napoleon has just told me "not tonight"!
05:41 Sun 19th Nov 2023

And the person behind him shouts, "where's my Napoleon outfit"?😋

-- answer removed --

Anyone seen my old friend Geronimo?

I'm Josephine and I'm  crying 'cos Napoleon has just told me "not tonight"!

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Who Do You Think You Are?..

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