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Phrase Of The Week

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Tuvok | 19:18 Sat 18th Nov 2023 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

I think we should have this as a weekly topic - thought of this because of

"unscheduled disassembly" - from the SpaceX test.



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That made me laugh, Tuvok!
19:43 Sat 18th Nov 2023

That made me laugh, Tuvok!

I can't  understand this obsession with getting rockets into space so we can wreck whatever we land on like we have Earth. The money could be put to so many good uses.

well spotted too-V ! - - or sparted....

Nixon when the Game was Up 1973 over watergate - his spokesman said that all previous news releases were 'non-operative'  ( narn-arperative - got the English going  " narn - wha'?"

erm that is why you are on AB and Elon M is on X !

( an whose personal worth is perhaps more than Chapatti's - that south american drug lord)

well it cd be worse - one unmannned ricket blew up in  front of the President of the country sending it up - Ariane and Pres Mitterand

god 1985 - it  seems like yesterday

I'll not bandy words over one ricket.

o god my spelling is that crap?  - I am not having a good sight day

spotted  - it is MY ricket - and I'll mis-spell if I want to

Lovely word, bandy.

From the Old Englishe for a hockey stick 🤔

A phrase from a fair while ago but memorable, I think.

President Nixon and his VP were making presentations of globes to members of a youth group in the White House when he said: 'The VP, Spiro Agnew, has one of his balls for you.'



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