Money Blog: Billionaire Premier League...
News1 min ago
Mrs NJ has an old Samsung GT E1195 (PAYG) flip phone which she loves. Those nice people at Vodafone have disconnected it due to lack of use.
She wants to resurrect it (it is too late to do so with its current SIM Card and number). If she buys a new Vodafone SIM card, is it just a case of slotting it in? Presumably there is some sort of registration process to go through to get a new number? Hopefully if she gets it going again she'll make the occasional call to prevent being cut off again! 😎
As has been said, if the phone isn't locked to a particular newtwork, almost any SIM should work in it. However a SIM from Three won't because that phone uses 2G technology, which Three has never supported.
If it's locked to the Vodafone network, a SIM from Vodafone (obviously!), Voxi (which is part of Vodafone anyway but much cheaper) or Asda Mobile (which piggybacks onto Vodafone's network) should work in it.
Although the UK's 3G network is currently being switched off, 2G will be around for some time longer yet because some 'non-phone' devices, such as some smart meters, make use of it.
Thanks all.
I'll give it a go (at .99p I think we can run to it).
I'll stick with Vodafone in case there are any "locking" problems.
Thanks for the suggestion, Hymie. She's on PAYG. As you can probably gather, she doesn't use it that much. In fact it was diconnected because she'd gone a staggering 180 days without making a call and a further 60 days beyond that (during which she could have has it reinstated)! Vodafone have told her her old number is definitely not recoverable. It won't worry too many people as only me about about three others had her number!
"Mrs NJ could set an alarm to use the phone on a regular basis."
Thanks Corby. Worthy of BA!
"Although the UK's 3G network is currently being switched off, 2G will be around for some time longer yet because some 'non-phone' devices, such as some smart meters, make use of it."
Thanks for that Chris. It hadn't occurred to me to think about that. Does the phone definitely run on 2G? It seems Vodafone are switching off their 3G this year.