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Good Morning Early's

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Chipchopper | 04:55 Thu 30th Nov 2023 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

I kept snoring and waking myself up, so I decided to get up and get the kettle on for some coffee at this silly hour of the day.

Took a peak outside, and it looks pretty frosty from what I could see of it, so watch your step, if you need to go out.

Take care folks



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Good Morning😊 I like the silly hours when it's quiet with the knowledge that I can drop off to sleep again.  Good idea - time for a  cuppa. Enjoy your day.

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A dull morning here at the coast.  Where are all the early birds - working on Wordle? 

Morning,  had to hit the painkillers harder than normal so overslept.... Miles better this morning.   Helping an older more disabled neighbour clear out more furniture today so will be  pretty rubbish tonight but she needs space for new carpets to be laid next week.  Friends will gruelling but they are worse than me. Couple of fitter residents ( 6 foot +  blokes) said they would help but guess what when we called them they didn't answer their phones.

So it's the three witches on duty again, park our brooms at the flat door and dive in.


Good morning Chip et al :)

From a beautifully sunny but frosty and cold Essex!

Gym done, but not too much of a work out as eveything seems a little broken and painful right now but just going is a plus!

Off out with the hound in a bit and back home in time for he cat groomer to arrive... one unhappy cat will soon be in residence here lol

Hope you all have a fabulous day whatever you're up to xx

Good morning from snowy north east of Scotland. Woke up to white ground today but it is November. Keep warm all. Wood burner on I'm happy. 

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