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all phrases or sayings
5) C C U
6) A S in the G
7) I C of E
16) T G to B T
25) E D I
28) G the N
31) T T of T I
36) H T and G T
37) T I E
any help appreciated
1 to 19 of 19
6 A snake in the grass
6 A Snake In The GRass?
7 In case of error?
7 in caase of emergency
To good to be true.
Grasp the nettle
I've now got 36
31 the tip of the iceberg
37 timing is everything
25. Easy does it.
thanks i just need C C U now
5, I can only think of Critical Care Unit. Not exactly a phrase or saying..
Think I saw a suggestion of "complete cock-up" but ??
Could very well be, Haz 😄
I contacted the setter and apparently C C U is correct so its a matter of keep looking.
There's "cloud cuckoo land" but I've never heard it expressed as "cloud cuckoo utopia" but .. ?
CCU Cardiac Care Unit?
Was looking for something else and came across CCU as "nice to see you" but ??
Critical care unit as the quiz is for 'very sick children'?
Do you know the answer?
gulliver1I Can See Trouble Ahead For The Tories.
Politics2 mins ago
naomi24The Universal Declaration Of Human...
Society & Culture3 mins ago
DDILI'm Worried My Friend Might Fall Out...
Family & Relationships5 mins ago
sandyRoePutins Invite To Trump
Current Affairs5 mins ago
ToraToraToraHe Who Saves His Country Does Not...
Society & Culture6 mins ago
naomi24A Tremendous Speech.
News6 mins ago