The Kennel Club have been campaigning to get them banned. They even attended the Labour Party Conference to get MP's to support the campaign. Here are some comments:
The Kennel Club inflicts pain and suffering at the Labour Party Conference
Universal shock at collars� use and availability in the UK
At the Labour party conference, as part of its campaign to get the barbaric shock collar banned, the Kennel Club demonstrated its use to politicians and delegates.
100% of visitors to the stand expressed absolute horror that these products were available for purchase in the UK and complete bewilderment, disbelief and at times anger towards the government that these products were not already banned.
For those brave enough to have the product tested on their hand at a third of the collars power - and not the neck where it would be worn by the dog! - the following comments were made by some:
Garry Ratcliffe, Greater Manchester Police: "It�s cruel and horrific."
Julian Greenhalgh, First Aid Officer, GMEX: "That hurt! I just can't believe that people would use them."
Richard Angel, Labour Student: "People who train dogs should not be allowed to use barbaric treatment on man�s best friend."
Luke Sherlock, delegate: "I wouldn't use it on my own dog because it really hurts!"
John Thompson, Labour Party Conference Official Photographer: "Ouch! That is horrible".
Said Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary: "Observers were outraged by what they witnessed and were genuinely angry and expressed disbelief that these products were not already banned in the UK. Some of the visitors even thought that this was some sort of elaborate practical joke, and took some convincing that the product was real. However, when they believed us they were far from amused."