Facebook Marketplace in The AnswerBank: Spam & Scams
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Facebook Marketplace

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Spreeny | 13:59 Sat 06th Apr 2024 | Spam & Scams
5 Answers

I'm being plagued by messages asking me on messenger if different cars are still for sale! I haven't advertised anything on marketplace !.

I must've had hundreds of messages this morning - started at 6am !! Please can anyone advise how to stop them.

I had a message from FB about half an hour ago saying I'd been hacked & so they suspended my account and after a few security questions re- activated it

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Log in to your FB account and make sure it hasn't been hijacked.


Apologies, I'm on my phone and didn't realise there was a second paragraph.

I don't know how you can stop them. Maybe a message in big letters on your FB page might help.

Otherwise, ask FB for advice.  

Change you FB password urgently, and make it complex.

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Thank you. I've uninstalled Messenger on my  iPad and phone & 🤞🤞I haven't received any more messages YET🤨🙏

Hope that's the end of it, Spreeny.  We refuse to use FB messenger, my wife had it for a while but got messages from all sorts of creeps, perverts and spammers.

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