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ToraToraTora | 20:34 Wed 24th Apr 2024 | News
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//Who or what is "TUD"?//

The usual dance.

I think you just might be doing the dance TTT is talking about, Corby.  You give people like him the benefit of the doubt if you like and let the result be on your head.  Personally I wouldn't.


This is why I'm saying this isn't the usual dance, because the article clearly states that it's a Muslim that in his own words would like to become a martyr.

The usual dance has traditionally been performed when an atrocity has been committed and there's a subsequent debate about whether it might be a TROP follower that's responsible and the rights and wrongs of jumping to that conclusion.

I think I understand TUD better than the geezer that invented it.

I agree tomus.  I think TTT has moved the goalposts in order to accommodate an alternative interpretation - should that prove necessary.

NAOMI, you mean like the dance following the attack in Sydney when the attacker was assumed to be a Muslim because he didn't look Australian and looked like an Asian?

I always thought that was the one, Corby, but now it seems we have a second one.  If we carry on like this they'll be signing TTT up for Strictly!  πŸ˜‚

//I think TTT has moved the goalposts //

Yes. I predict he will claim that the usual dance has always been about whether the perpetrator is insane or not, which I don't think it has.

I'm sure he'll put us right on his next coffee break.

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TUD has 3 phases,

1) It might not be a Muslim

Various things emerge that indicate it is almost certainly a Muslim.

2) Now the apologists deny that things like supporting ISIS or a muslim name or from a muslim country or shouting "Ali Akbar" etc etc meanm the perp is not definately a muslim

Finally they accept the perp is a muslim usually after some further evidence.

3) Now it's the "It's just a few psychos - nowt to do with them being a Muslim" - phase.

This dance started a bit late at phase 2.

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you forgot the part where you callously start blaming muslims for an atrocity when it hasn't been committed by one... like you did with the sydney shopping mall attack recently

what you've done here is post a link about someone who is definitely a fanatical muslim and started acting as though anyone has ever said he wasn't one! 

i think we should put these stupid "usual dance" threads to bed. they are just attempts to have a pop at muslims over and over and over and over again. 

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'Perp', you'll be reaching out next. 🀣

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untitled: "i think we should put these stupid "usual dance" threads to bed. they are just attempts to have a pop at muslims over and over and over and over again. " - well when they stop committing attrocities over and over and over again they will go away on their own.

Like all who finally triumphed at the Athens Olympics, Tora has rallied well from the disappointment of Sydney πŸ˜†

If wanting to blow himself up wasn't a clear sign of mental issues, telling folk on social media of his desire should have clinched it. Sounds more like a wannabe situation, and perhaps a cry for help.

 You give people like him the benefit of the doubt if you like and let the result be on your head.  Personally I wouldn't.

hwat on earth is THIS about? - giving TTT a chance over his twitteries? The very thought ! - OK what about.... TTT is able with a few rhymes to trivialise anything

Has anyone realised that saying out loud ( I'll kill him!) is different to actually going out and killing him? (*)

nope? - well it has to be AB on a damp thursday

(*) I seems to remember that when Trumpo talking about Hillary and the second amendment in one sentence  - all the usual suspects ( see above) chorussed - "yeah foo!" free speech and all dat !

usual complete confusion on AB of mad and bad

Well you got a few appologists ther hook line and sinker TTT.

The usual of course, with one who would argue black is white.

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