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My Dog Is Different.....right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 21:29 Thu 06th Jun 2024 | News
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I dispair at people who think they know a dog 100% and their dog is different. I know people with dogs, not XL bully, who often say my dog would never harm anyone etc etc. I sometimes say, "you cannot know that, you cannot know what's going on in their head all the time" - I just dispair at their blind faith.



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It happens, TTT.  I think most of these animals are owned as trophy dogs by people with enormous egos and no sense.

naomi - // Dave, I've had a dog I knew would bite.  I didn't doubt it.  She was muzzled and kept on a lead when she went out. //

What's the pleasure in sharing your life with an aggressive animal?

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AH: "I am mystified as to why you would want to own a pet with a known propensity for attacking children, and another one that has bitten you on more than one occasion." - well it's a long story. ...Er indoors used to work for an agency that supplied Nurses and carers etc to various establishments, they also did home support for learning dis. One day one of the staff reported that one of the learning dis people (18 year old, lad) had a puppy, a JR. Ok fair enough but the lad couldn't really look after himself let alone a dog. We left it a while and the lad in the end came to the office with the dog saying he didn't want him anymore. Er indoors having been bought up with dogs took him on. So we now have a JR, we soon discovered his issues, probably to do with something in his early life. So we knew that he'd end up getting put down if we let him go to another owner, so we looked after him. That was Bobby who died last year. We loved him but he was dangerous and we could not bare the thought of him nipping a child and having him put down.....part 2 later!

they are called "dog lovers" andy!

A mate of mine got a rescue spaniel after his old one died - it regularly bites him (and hangs on) but he still persists with it & treats it well. Must have had a bad upbringing (the dog). 

Andy Hughes,  She was fine with everyone until she was two.  And then she turned.  She was still fine with us so we dealt with that by muzzling her and keeping her on a lead when outside but when she suddenly began to disrespect us we had to have her destroyed.  She was a big dog - a bull mastiff.  

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 - part 2, now the mother in law died so we inherited Toby, he was a black and tan JR bigger and stronger than bobby but much older. Toby was fine hardly ever growled and would mainly give you a good sniffing. The two of them sort of cancelled each other out and Bobby calmed right down but we still had him muzzled in public and we had to be very careful, especially around kids. After about a year Toby died and bobby was left alone so Er indoors decided to get him a friend and she had contacts at Waggy Tails. Benny had just come in he was found scavenging around Poole having been abandonned by travellers. So now Bobby has a new friend. .....part 3 coming up....

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part 3....I will deal with this: AH:" I would never want to share my home with an animal that demonstrates, more than once, its hostile intentions." - Benny hates it when you go out the front door, that's when he has nipped me on my calf through my trousers a couple of times. The rest of the time he's fine. He's much safer around everyone than Bobby. Probably could be trained out of him. On the whole though as davebro says, we are animal lovers that enjoy giving a decent life to abandonned dogs. We have never bought a dog from a "dealer" In my opinion it should be illegal to sell a dog for more than say £50. Breeders should be banned and transgressors jailed, there is no shortage of dogs. Only properly registered dog charities should be able to breed if they think it's necessary and they should only be able to charge a fixed "donation" for finding them homes.

TTT - // On the whole though as davebro says, we are animal lovers that enjoy giving a decent life to abandonned dogs.  //

I am an animal lover, but that does not extend to sharing my home with an aggressive animal, whatever the mitigating circumstances might be.

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....but you can see how I got here!

TTT - // ....but you can see how I got here! //

I can - context is everything.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I love animals very much....from a distance. They are at best a commitment, at worst a liability.

I was asked if my dog bit ( yes ticky-woo!) and said christ if it did, I wouldnt take it outside without a muzzle

sctually it loves young children, as they stick their sticky fingers into the dogs  mouth ( and then  their own) and squeal

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