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Half Listening To The Wireless The Other Day...

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sandyRoe | 06:50 Sun 16th Jun 2024 | News
37 Answers

...I heard someone promise if their party won the election there would be many thousands more dental appointments available.

Where are all these dentists to be found?




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At least Labour have a Dentistry Rescue Plan.For the last 14 years NHS Dentistry has been allowed to rot. There are 700 less dentists doing NHS work this year, than last year. There are six million adults not having access to an NHS dentist. That is a scandalous record, and yet another reason to boot out the party currently failing the country.
08:26 Sun 16th Jun 2024

When he does, OG, remember to have a shiny sixpence to tip the boy with.


\\At least Labour have a Dentistry Rescue Plan.For the last 14 years NHS Dentistry has been allowed to rot. There are 700 less dentists doing NHS work this year, than last year. //

Where are theses figures from

Don't forget it was Labour(Blair) who changed all the dental contracts which is the reason all the dentists left NHS dentistry.

That was 18 years ago. The Tories have had 14 years to do better than Labour. They haven't - they have made things worse. Far worse.

700 Denists stop doing NHS work last year because of signing a contract with Labour in 2006?
Don't be ridiculous.

The new contracts have stoppede them, why do you think they went private, they use to be paid per piece of treatment they carried out then Blair changed it to a flat rate, they wont come back because they can earn more  now than, thats why they haven't return and no government will get them back.

How do I know? i work with a hospital full of dentists and max fax consultants.

It is fair enough blaming the last opposition government for the current woes.  
But there have been 4 Conservative governments , 14 years, to reverse that.  
Instead they have let things worsen even more.

They won't come back unless they get offered better money, and all those training to be dentists will either go private or work in a hospital.

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Even if the government decided to stuff their mouths with gold where would the required dentists come from?

Those in private practice must be earning enough or they'd be taking on some NHS patients.

The Tories have had 14 years to improve NHS dentistry. But they don't care so have allowed this crisis to get far worse.

Read my post as to why they won't come back   ^

I have read it.  
This crisis has unfolded under the 14 years of the Conservative's watch.  
Not good enough, and I hope the 6 million suffering without a dentist remember who has failed them on 4th July.

You read it but didn't understand.

They won't come back to the nhs because they are earning more money now after leaving to go private after labour changed their contracts

So why haven't the Tories changed the contracts back in the last 14 years? Or trained or imported new dentists to do NHS work?  
Answer: Because they don't care. they actually have a dental rescue plan or is it just an aspiration to hit a target. Its good to have a target for improvement but it's not much use unless they have a plan for how to get there


\\So why haven't the Tories changed the contracts back in the last 14 years? Or trained or imported new dentists to do NHS work?  
Answer: Because they don't care.//

There are loads training, paying £10k a year for 5 years min to be a dentist, they go and work in a hospital as a maxfax surgeon or dental surgeon become a private dentist or private dentist.

So the election message from the Tories is...

Vote Conservative - And nothing will change for the next 14 years.

Or vote labour and things will change for the worse.

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