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Would It Be The Right Thing To Report This Mold I Saw?

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Cindy1302 | 20:02 Thu 20th Jun 2024 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers

My mom works for the school and she won a BBQr for a raffle. We were told it was in the snack shack on the schools campus. We went to the snack shack. My first concerne was that it was messy. There were dirty cooking utensils and pans sitting around. This was my main concerne. Idk for sure if it was mold. I think they were just dark water stains that were all over the plywood holding up the roof. There was no ceiling, so you could see straight into the attic. This is were im REALLY concerned. The BBQr wasn't in the snack shack. We thought it was but it wasn't. We found out it was in the snack shack on the public baseball field. I think its owned by the city. There was a guy working there so he let us in. The snack shack looked like it hadn't been used in years. So I look at the wall next to some kind of machine, and there was a lot of black mold on the base of the wall. It's not easy to miss, so chances are they know about it, but I feel like maybe I should report it? I know I could call the school, and report the water stains, but idk who to call to report the mold in the other snack shack. What should I do?



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You must follow your heart on this but remember, black mold matters.

You are getting worse with your nosiness. See a psychiatrist, you really love reporting people over things that have nothing to do with you.

You need something to occupy your time and your thoughts, to keep you from all the interfering you do in anything and everything around you.  

Thank goodness you are not my neighbour. 

Please get a life. All your posts are asking if you should report someone. Some are almost the same that you posted years ago. You really need help

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Would It Be The Right Thing To Report This Mold I Saw?

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