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How The Americans Are Being Shown The Uk Election

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Hymie | 13:15 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | Society & Culture
15 Answers

.....and the last 14 years of Tory rule.


For those of you who have inexplicitly forgotten or are unaware of how absolutely appalling the last 14 years of Conservative rule have been for the UK – watch the video from 9 minutes in, and remember the content when you vote on the 4 July.

(John Oliver – Last Week Tonight)




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not going to sit through that, what's the gist?

Question Author

Although the video is humours; if you have not forgotten (or are unaware) how absolutely appalling the last 14 years of conservative rule have been for the UK – you need not educate yourself by watching the video.

just a 5C opinion then. My last 14 years have been wonderful, I've become a millionaire.

Question who is really in charge look across the Atlantic any body with a modicum of intelligence knew Biden was not competent . due to the onset of dementia now there is talk of replacing him.Here the main parties and media are going full tonto because of a presumed threat to the status quo. Major politician saying we dont know what were voting for just get back in your box plebs.

We know what we aren't voting for (those with sense anyway) so better to make the change and find out.


Er... no, couldn't be bothered watching such a long video just to find out what Americans may or may not be being spun.

Ah, the smell of burning pants.

I don't think the Americans can really have an opinion on our election, can you? I think they have much more to worry about. 

I'm with TTT - although not a millionaire (although my house is now worth north of a million so perhaps 'on paper' I am) my standard of living has increased enormously over the last decade.


Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the Tories at the moment, I didn't want to leave the EU (although unlike some on this board I respect democracy) and I thought Covid was handled appalingly with the unnecessary locking down and paying people to sit their backsides) but these two, admittedly major, things aside, the last decade and more has been good for me and my family.

I'm better off than I was under Blair. Don't forget the 13 appalling years of Labour.

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Maybe for you, Deskdiary your personal wealth has increased enormously – but that is not so for the vast majority of UK citizens; over the last 14 years median incomes growing by just 6% between 2009–10 and 2022–23.

Whereas normally we’d expect a 30% growth over a 13 year period.

not going to sit through that, what's the gist?

what gist den, what?

that AB is full of patient thoughtful intellects who do not rely on the quick one liner..... hem hem

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...and I haven’t forgotten the 13 appalling years of Labour, when we had record low NHS waiting lists, record satisfaction with the NHS, our national debt (as a percentage of GDP) stood at around 70% (compared with now at around 100%), net annual migration stood at around 250k (compared with now at around 750k), there are now around ¾ million more children living in poverty under this Tory government – where virtually no one was using food banks just to get by.


I’m looking forward to 13 appalling years of Labour (see above).

agree racky - the americans have much more home affairs to worry about

remember one vice presidential hopeful had no idea who the President of France was ( I will have to get back to you on that one)

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Forgot the link to my post 08:37 (before TTT insists).

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