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Clacton Reform Campaigners

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Untitled | 22:18 Thu 27th Jun 2024 | News
31 Answers


Canvassers for reform uk in clacton have been discovered calling rishi sunak and constituents "p**is" calling the pride flag "degenerate", calling for asylum seekers to be shot, and asking a paramedic to euthanise foreigners. 

nigel farage says that he didn't know and that he completely disagrees.

do you believe him?



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It's by far and away the most likely explanation.

which ? - he is an actor, or he was serious?

and coming back to TTT ( ah bless!) see above - er is HE an actor or is he serious ( dja think?)

No, there was more than one.

An undercover investigator conducted filming for Channel 4 News within the Reform UK campaign in Clacton, with filming concluding last week.

The recorded footage reveals a Reform UK canvasser openly making racist and Islamophobic comments to potential voters on the ground, as he represents the party.

It also includes footage of a conversation between: George Jones, a veteran of UKIP and the Brexit Party now running events for Mr Farage’s campaign; Rob Bates, a senior Reform UK campaigner; and Roger Gravett, Reform UK’s regional manager for London and candidate for Tottenham.

So you agree the fuss was just about Andrew Parker, and that the rest was just individuals pointing out the issues between themselves in a manner that upsets the oversensitive. You seem to be pushing the slur, presumably in the hope that mud sticks.

If propagandists are at work no one should be surprised.  We've seen it in action continually over recent years.  It's what they do to anyone who doesn't meet with their crooked world view.

I think it's clear who are the propagandists ...

I don't.

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was edward oakenfull an actor?

was robert lomas an actor? 

was lesley lillie an actor?

it seems that an awful lot of racists seem to "accidentally" end up in reform uk and only get booted when the media finds them... and every single time nigel farage says it's nothing to do with him, not his responsibility. 

he is not a leader. he never takes responsibility for anything. he's a greasball politician like all the others. he doesn't care about clacton unless it might get him into parliament and he doesn't care about his voters unless they can make him powerful. he is a conman. 

and of course you believe all of it

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i trust channel 4 a lot more than i trust nigel farage

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