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This Is Really Desperate Stuff.

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gulliver1 | 09:25 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | News
66 Answers

Sunak accused of desperate tactics after releasing his latest shock election poster of three people. One them a small child holding their hands up in the air as if at gunpoint. Urging people not to surrender to Labour. How much lower can these Tories get.?



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Throughout this election campaign, the Tories have been unable to defend the garbage and the gunge that has been served up to the country for the last 14 years. There can be no validity to anything in their manifesto, if the last 14 years are anything to go by, so, the only option is to is to attack Labour with inventions, supposition and scaremongering. What...
10:53 Fri 28th Jun 2024

^^^^ not just obsessed - deranged!

and so what? how does his "obsession" with british politics affect you in any way? stop moaning.

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Davebro 07.06 If you have to get out of bed at 07.06 on a Sunday morning just to post an insult on answerbank that you have been lying awake all night thinking about. Then you definitley are the.....Deranged one. Get a life 😎OK.😎.



Gully - if you would prefer I insult you in the evenings after thinking up the insult all day I can manage top do that!😂

Untitled, it's good for you to admit gulliver has an obession with British Politics but why really as it does not affect him at all as he says and yet he moans about it day in day out.  With interest rates high and house rents high you would think it suited him as it was as he claims to be a landlord of a few properties in the UK so he is winning on both fronts.  Not insulting just stating facts.

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Davebro 11.02 You .."top do that".. then if it pleases you.

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