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Tenerife Search

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Paul22118 | 12:10 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | News
39 Answers

Spanish police have now abandoned their search for missing teenager in Tenerife. I wonder have they information that suggests he is alive and elsewhere with persons unknown?



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Sorry, Paul.  I didn't see your thread before I posted the same story.  I'll remove mine - but here's a link.

I suspect they have a more realistic view on survival in the conditions on the island.

  The authorities know the area and may think there is nothing more they can do. Tragically he may have slipped into the sea and been lost. Sympathy to his family and friends.

There are many wild conspiracy theories on the socials and very little sympathy.

The police can't keep searching but they are still investigating. 

There comes a time when they have to give up, can't go on looking forever. 

Seems Mr Slater has a bit of history.When he isnt attacking people with a machete,he seems to be getting a kicking from three"Asian gentlemen"in the streets.Methinks Mr Slater isnt as sweet and innocent as his hard-working mother makes out.

A number of young men some from the UK have gone missing from Tenerife over the past few years. Very mysterious. 

Maybe they all got snagged on a cactus also Andres?

Who are these other missing men?  Were they ever found?

If they had been found they wouldn't be missing.

Well at least they found another lost hiker in the area - a 51 yo Scot who might well have ended up in dire straits.

barry-- I found the article when I was googling . There was a pic. of 5 young men . I don't think they were found. Sorry I can't find the clip. 

douglas, many people are reported missing - doesn't mean they are never found.

'A number of men have gone missing' isn't the same as 'a number of men are missing'.

Was this the article you found?  Four other missing since 1985, only one body found.

 Barry.^^^^ Not the same clipping but definitely they were the same young men.



Not so many in the grand scheme thing over 39 years.  It might be a small island but it attracts a lot of tourists and migrants.  

I wonder if the money collected will still in some way go towards searching?

Stretching credulity to the limits there Naomi.

They will probably use the money to keep the search going. 

"A number of young men some from the UK have gone missing from Tenerife over the past few years. Very mysterious."

I think, barry, that had they gone missing then been found the 'very mysterious' part wouldn't be needed because having been found they'd have a tale to tell and no onger be missing.

Do carry on though.

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