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Is Technology Ruining The Game Of Football ?

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Khandro | 08:31 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | Sport
14 Answers

Did anyone see the Germany v Denmark game ?

The players did very well on both sides but the decisions arrived at by the electronic off-side equipment plus a 'hand-ball' which was possibly the tip of a thumb leading to a penalty goal seemed unfair and unfortunate & would never stood in the past I think.

Germany 2  -  Denmark 0



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Yeah agree the ball to hand (of old) was a joke and the toenail off-side decision against Denmark was equally as duff imo.

The review system used in tennis and cricket seems to work very well; it's very quick and its use is limited to a small number of events. The system used in football seems to me to cause far too many interruptions and spoils the game, in many cases, still not giving a satisfactory result.

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And anyway, I always thought arguing about the Ref's decisions was part of the fun of football!  🙂

In football after reviewing the evidence the decisions are  still open to interpretation ?

In cricket and tennis it's clear cut 

I saw it and Denmark were definitely hard done by. Why cannot the football authorities see VAR is a problem and look into it. I agree with the pundits who thought that VAR is looking for things to punish rather than let the games flow.

If nobody cheated there would be no need for the technology.

only football could introduce such a system and make a mess of it. It's supposed to reduce errors but instead seems to create them.

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douglas; But tHis has nothing at all to do with 'cheating'. Both sides played a good, clean game.

Perhaps you didn't watch it ?

Of course I didn't watch it, it's football, with all of it's flexible rules, players with attitude and supreme fragility and some sweaty Portuguese checking himself out on the big screen like aa total amateur.

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douglas; //Of course I didn't watch it, it's football, with all of it's flexible rules, players with attitude and supreme fragility and some sweaty Portuguese checking himself out on the big screen like aa total amateur.// 

Well if you don't watch it & apparently don't understand or like it, why do you feel the need to make make such vacuous comments on it, or are you just looking for cheap laughs ?   

Forgive me, I didn't realise I had to show my credentials to gain access.

And, yes.


The introduction of VAR only emphasises what we've known for years - that the officials are always wrong and the players never foul anyone. It's always the refs' fault. But people are comparing todays' game with the game that was pre-VAR. Pre-Var, that penalty would not have been given. I don't think so anyway. Now, under the rules, if the ball has contact with a defenders' hand in the penalty area, then it's a penalty. There was a very similar one in the FA Cup Final in 2023, when the ball skimmed off Grealishs' thumb in the penalty area and a penalty was awarded to Utd. 

However, only a few weeks ago, the Premier League clubs voted to retain VAR. It doesn't matter what you or I think does it? The clubs want it, the FA agrees and the refs association are happy to provide it. Whatever VAR brings, it looks like it's here to stay.

I don't know if it's the case but I think it should only come into play if an on-pitch official calls for it or the players seriously object to a referees decision. (like in cricket?).

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OK douglas, you're allowed in, but please behave yourself 😉

I'm afraid you're right 10C. but I prefer that the ref. (like a judge) may not always be 100% right but he's always the ref.

He can take other non-tangible things into consideration such as the spirit in which events happen and also what has been going on overall. 

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