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237SJ | 21:10 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | News
35 Answers

I have always voted for the same party (as a lot of people do) but have become a bit disillusioned with most of them.  This is the first election where I havent' known who to vote for.  But Keir Starmer - my God what a drip.  He looks like he is going to burst into tears most of time. I wouldn't trust that man to run the country.



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Cameron and May arch Metropolitan liberals, NO. 

Johnson, had high hopes then he turned Green & Metro Liberal thans to that wife of his.

Trouble is even if you vote for Labour under Starmer, you may not have that a year from now

Starmer couldn't be trusted to run a bath.  The duplicity of a man who can run on a Corbynite manifesto and then a completely different manifesto 5 years later says it all.  

And on reflection should we have trusted Brown and Blair to run the country? Not really, one started off well but took us into a dangerous war that cost British lives and the other one just bankrupted us. Before them you have to go back to the 70s to find Labour PMs, men who were at least decent true Labour politicians - Callaghan and Wilson. 

//The duplicity of a man who can run on a Corbynite manifesto and then a completely different manifesto 5 years later says it all.  //


He's a joke.  He's now selling Labour as a 'changed party', but why would he change it?  He was more than happy with it a few years ago.

Like most politicians, Starmer lies to acheive what he wants. A 'changed' labour party will only last until it's elected. 


Would any new member on Ab get the idea this is Predominantly a Tory  site ? 😎 lol😎

Hindsight, Flipflop, Robot, Carboard Blair- all the makings of a great Labour success story.

gulliver, I think you're wrong. The majority of people here are realists and both sides want change but also realise that there is nobody in either of the main parties capable of achieving what is needed. Also don't forget that the majority of daily postings on this site, like yours and a few others, are totally anti tory. 

gulliver's voting Labour but he's not getting what he voted for on every previous occasion because, according to Mr Starmer, the party has changed.  Why then are any Labour stalwarts voting Labour?  That makes no sense.

"...but why would he change it?  He was more than happy with it a few years ago."

For the same reason that Blair and his cohorts invented "New" Labour - because they knew that a proper Labour Party hadn't a cat in hell's chance of being elected to govern the UK.

If the Labour Party is so wonderful why should it need to be changed? Surely voters would be trampling over each other as they stampede to the polling stations to vote.

The ruth is that a Labour victory tomorrow will do immeasurable harm to the UK. I know the current Tory shambles didn't exactly inspire confidence. But in a year's time, all those who clamoured for change, which they seemingly will get tomorrow, will wonder what on Earth they have done.

Remember folks, you read it here first. Acually that's probably wrong - I expect you've probably read it elsewhere too.

Naomi 12.38 "Gullivers voting Labour" Is he ? Who told you that.

Well if you're not, gulliver, you're smarter than I thought.

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