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Election Predictions

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Gromit | 20:30 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | News
53 Answers

650 seats, 326 is a win. My prediction is:-

Conservative 102
Labour 418     
LibDem 82    
SNP 20   
Reform 5   
Others 23

I am probably massively wrong. What is your prediction ?



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I hope you are right - I have bet Labour would get fewer than 419!

Conservative 120
Labour 398    
LibDem 82    
SNP 20   
Reform 7 
Others 23

Labour: 390, Tory: 190, SNP:15, Lib Non Dem:35, Reform:2, others: 18

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Interesting prediction. You think the Tories won't lose as many to the LibDems and Reform. See in the morning.

I think people have been getting carried away into fantasy land. The get the majority some are predicting would take double the swing Blair achieved and that lib non dem clown's stunts are fooling no one. I think 2 for reforms is too many really they'll probably get nowt at all. SNP will get a kicking and Labour will pick up most of those. Anyway we'll see tommorrow

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Thanks TTT,   
I am sure we will analyse the results in the morning.

Conservative 97
Labour 449     
LibDem 60    
SNP 16   
Reform 2 
Others 24

if the Lib non dems get 60 I will eat my hat!

I think the Lib Dems may do quite well- and there are a lot of marginal seats which are Tory/Lib Dem.   People might not like the Lib Dems, but they dislike the tories more.  Ed Davey might be a fool, but he has at least kept in the headlines, and injected a bit of life into an otherwise dull-as-dishwater campaign.  PS, I'd never vote for them myself!

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5 years ago they said dangling on a zip wire looking stupid was no way to win an election. Then Johnson did. Maybe Davy is following that playbook.

We'll find out soon.  I think the Tories (although still losing well) will do better than some expectations and form the opposition. I also would not be surprised if some Muslim parties should gain a couple of seats.

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Are there any muslem parties?  😂

Yes, Gromit.  I didn'tknow that until very recently when my sister (who lives on the edge of Bradford) said that there were at least 3 - so shewas relieved that they would split the vote between them.

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There are 6 candidates with Asian looking names standing as Independents in the 3 Bradford constituencies. I doubt any will win.

Dave @ 21:34 exit polls have them down at 61, so you might need to look for recipes 😉

exit polls giving Reform 13, which would surprise me. Other than that, they're not too far off Gromit's prediction. Labour 410, Tories 131, Lib Dems 61.

well done gromit! pretty accurate

Reform 3.6 million votes 4 seats

Lib (nondem) 2.9 million votes 58 seats

Now I ask you - IS THAT FAIR?

it absolutely is not fair. we should have a proportional voting system.

Well gromit what can I say, much closer than your 2019 prediction! Well done.

Aye, untitled, and I should have a full set of perfect teeth, sleek hair and abs to flaunt but we are where we are.

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