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Squirrels in Loft and Chemical Repellants

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markten | 10:34 Mon 04th Oct 2004 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
We've squirrels and mice in our loft space and we've been recommended to use "Curb" repellent. We've a 4 week old baby so I'm concerned about any side effects/fumes etc. I can't find anything on the internet about this type of product - can anyone suggest some resources to find out more


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Hi Markten, I don't know anything about 'Curb' as I'm in the US, but you might consider live trapping. I will warn you that once you have all the mice and squirrels removed and all entrance holes blocked, have EVERY INCH of electric wires inspected in the area. My neighbors had squirrels in their attic/loft and two years after they were removed, the house caught on fire because they had chewed through the insulation. Only the smoke detectors saved their lives as the fire started in the middle of the night.
I know it's not very nice but you may have to consider the old fashioned spring loaded mousetraps which you can find here in the UK in B&Q. They do work!
If you are in the UK - there was something I was told about yesterday. It's soem sort of plugs that makes a really loud noice to mouse and rats, I guess squirells too.Humman beings can't hear it.It is very loud and will keep them away.My husband has just beought two of them for �40 today (�20 pounds each - a bit dear I know).We're going to start using it.I don't know the name yet but can find out for u.:Let me know if u'd like the details of it.We've also got some in our loft and I once saw one running along in the kitchen!
Here's a link to something similar to the one jackie has mentioned, more expensive but I only did a quick search. rasonic_products_for_the_home_37.html
Get in touch with your local Environmental Health Dept, They will inspect your loft & use the necessary bait to trap them. They will also revisit to inspect the traps & remove any dead creatures. Sounds cruel I know but as others have said , you have to consider your wiring, squirrels will chew anything. They once ate the pine cones from my artificial Christmas tree. Spinner.
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