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Is This A Scam?

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carolegif | 07:51 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

I have had an email this morning on my yahoo account saying I will lose it if I don't update it or give my information.  Looks suspicious to me.  Is it a scam?  I know on this site, you are in the know about these things.

Many Thanks!



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I'd be cautious.

Don't click on a link supplied in that Email. 

Check the email header to see who really sent it

yes it is a scam - do not click

You posted in a way most ABers could understand Mr Pedant.

I'm so impressed 🤣

 Yes, this is a scam, no legitimate organisation would ask for your information. I have a lot of them. Put it in the junk folder or delete it.

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