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Young Cyclist.

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William51 | 10:39 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

 Last night i had a near miss in my car. Driving around a corner a boy cyclist was riding towards me on the wrong side of the road and i had to swerve into the other lane to miss him. I hope he learns from what happened because it was frightening.



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Unlikely, as he must have known and not cared beforehand.
10:43 Sat 03rd Aug 2024

Khandro, thank you. That's the problem here as well. From the lycra encased individual to the multi coloured peletons, none will use the paths. Occasionally we might see a family or somebody on a sit up and beg cycle but the vast majority don't use them thus creating more tension with drivers.

cycle paths are often badly maintained - gradually become overgrown & strewn with leaves/twigs/etc. That's why bikers often stick to the roads. IMV

dave; In my experience the German cycle paths are clean and cared for. 

I only know about England.

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