this place is just like shopping in tescos, round and round unable to find the bare essentials because of the plethora of nonsense that no one is interested in bar freaky people and you end up coming home with one eight of what you set out to get, and where is the section for rubber sex companions that i asked for?
i dont like all these sub catagories one bit. Way too many titles and now posting in the wrong section is gonna happen way more often. All a bit too specific. Bring back the old AB! Much easier to manouvre round. Oh and Asda tops em all!
Bob you need to go to the Co-op where you can get 2 breaded hake fillets for �1.99 and large Smash is on a bogoff. They are not the best supermarket in the world for fish, but if you see Theresa on the checkouts join her queue, I do.
Asdas beef is better than tescos but tescos pork is better than Asda! Mostly thouhg, all supermarket meat is rubbish! Bring back the Butchers!!!!!! sainsburys is expensive, the coop even more so but morrisons is good in my opinion (am i a chav?, oooo, i do hope so) lol