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Is Surrogacy ethical?

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kirstydawson1x | 12:32 Tue 29th Jun 2010 | Parenting
5 Answers
At school I am taking part in the Extended Project Qualification and I have chosen to look into surrogacy so any opinions or views would be very helpful. Thank you.


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I do not want children myself and never have although I am only in my late 20's I do not see it changing. But I would be a surrogate for a family member or friend if they needed it. I do not see a problem with it myself. I can understand that it may be very emotionally painful for some people to give away a child even knowing it was never to be there own. But I think if you make the decision to be a surrogacy then you have to be prepared for the heartache. I cannot say how I would feel giving away a child as I have never had one or had to do it. I honestly think I would be more happy to help someone who desperately wanted a child than sad having to give the baby I had carried away. I am not a maternal type of person, maybe that helps?!
do you mean doing it for money? It is pretty unusual and I can understand people feeling uncomfortable with the idea. Basically, you rent out your uterus for nine months - but it's more than that, you are actually nourishing and bearing a child for someone else. I can't see that it's unethical to do so - it's not doing anyone else any harm - but I can't imagine doing it.
I wouldn't expect money for this act either. Maybe help with clothing and vitamins etc... but nothing else. You cannot pay someone in this country to have your child anyway. You can in America I believe. I do not have a problem with this as JNO says you are renting out your body in a sense. But personally I wouldn't want to make it into a business.
Hi Kirsty, you might find these links helpful. Kim Cotton was one of the first (well, to come out and state she was a surrogate in the Uk.)
Personally I couldn't give away a child I'd carried, but I did donate eggs to help woman without.
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