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Is It Feasible To Stop Smokers Gassing Their Own Children?

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ToraToraTora | 11:42 Sun 19th Aug 2018 | News
53 Answers
A few years back smoking in cars with children was made illegal. Sad that was necessary but is it now time to do the same in the home? I'd have hoped parents would be protective enough of their own children that this would not be necessary but the selfishness of smokers is vast.


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Off now, had fun poking the monkey in his cage.
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Ladybirder, smokers don't care even for their own children, they only care about indulging their disgusting habit. Have you ever seen a car with a "Child on board" sign proudly displayed but with mum and dad puffing a couple of superkings without even the window open?
Sparkly enjoying my fag in front of my 6 kids by 7 different children in front of my widescreen tv all paid for by the state
Caught........ A benefit cheat and proud :-)
I'm not sure how feasible it is at the moment but I have no doubt the Government/State/Law (however we wish to term it) will become more involved in what we do in our own homes.

How far in the future that is I couldn't begin to guess.
Lol I confess to that annea
Tora, Yes, more than once.
A dear friend of ours died 24/12/17 from lung-cancer not diagnosed until 2weeks before ( she had fallen and broken a rib and they thought that was the cause of the pain). She never had smoked, but they had managed pubs.
^^^ Re. OP It is not feasible I'm afraid.
Tora, I really wish it could be enforceable but sadly I doubt it, there would be uproar.

I told my mum what the teacher said to me, it was answered with "what the hell has it got to do with her?" And fear that would be the reaction of the most selfish of parents even these days.
// bloke the smoke in ttt's face, //

what on earth does that mean, ???????
15:27..6 kids by 7 different things have changed.

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