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Was This Guy Being Fair?

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abbeylee90 | 12:05 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
66 Answers

Basically this guy was interested in my friend last weekend. We all shared a taxi and my friend was going to use him to pay for our taxi, when she told him she wasn't interested he then asked for mine and her half, we she paid him for ours incase he went knocking on her door as she asked the taxi to park down the road so he didn't know where she lived but taxi followed her. He asked to go all the way to his then she told him she not interested. 



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She used my loo and said he will pay for our taxi 🚕 

Do you think, if you ever had children ... and they were boys, you would want them to be 'used' like that? 

I am the mother of boys men ...and I would hate for them to be treated the way that you and your friend treated this guy! 

As my Gran always used to say ...'What goes around, comes around'...and I think that is true in the sense that you get treated in same way that you treat others.

Abbey, both you and your friend don't come out of this story very well - and it doesn't sound as if you two are the best of pals anyway.  I feel sorry for the guy. 

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Karamia I get what you're saying but it wasn't me he was chatting up or into like I offered to get a taxi on my own and pay my way but my friend insisted we all get one.

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Never in what way aren't we good pals?

Abbey, you've had quite a few moans about these various friends and haven't seen particularly fond of any of them. Also,if you and Taxi friend are  actually good pals, you could have told her you were having nothing to do with the scheme to get your taxi paid for. 

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